Please be informed HealthConnexion has moved to #11-08

About HealthConnexion

Farrer Park Hospital’s health screening centre, HealthConnexion, offers comprehensive health screening packages as well as customized solutions for individuals, corporate companies, and the medical tourist.

Stepping through the doors into the chic, modern interior of HealthConnexion, one finds spacious high ceilings, interactive consultation rooms as well as a beautiful outdoor zen garden with spectacular views of the cityscape.

HealthConnexion clients can soak in the calming ambience of the garden while enjoying healthy refreshments served after health screenings are done.

HealthConnexion Services

Our Resident GP

Dr. Irene Gay
General Practitioner

Dr. Irene Gay is Farrer Park Hospital’s in-house General Practitioner at HealthConnexion.

She obtained her basic medical degree from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, and has lived a total of 14 years in Sydney where she worked in the New South Wales health system, before returning back to Singapore to be with her family.

After returning to Singapore, Dr. Gay rotated through the public healthcare system and was further qualified with a Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine from National University of Singapore and a Postgraduate Diploma in Practical Dermatology from Cardiff University. She has worked in the Aeromedical Center where she screened for the fitness of aviation personnel in the Air Force. As a Designated Medical Examiner for the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, she evaluated commercial pilots in determining their fitness to renew their pilot license. She has also worked in the Ministry of Manpower where she was trained in occupational health and safety.

Dr. Gay has extensive experience in health screening and has also worked as a primary care doctor in staff clinics of multinational companies and also public hospitals.

Early detection of diseases can significantly improve long-term health outcomes. For example, diagnosing and treating high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol early can prevent strokes and heart disease, while early detection of cancers like breast, cervical, or colon cancer can save lives through timely treatment. Dr. Gay keeps up to date with current screening guidelines through regular medical education sessions. This enables her to guide her patients on selecting the latest appropriate screening tests and recommend screening intervals for them based on their ages, history and risk profiles.

A keen believer in health span rather than lifespan per se, she focuses on empowering patients with the knowledge to stay healthy. She provides guidance on lifestyle changes such as diet, nutrition, exercise, and stress management to help patients lead healthier, longer lives. As vaccines play an important role in keeping healthy, Dr. Gay also keeps abreast with the latest available vaccines and promotes them where indicated.

HealthConnexion Medical Clinic

To make an appointment or to find out more about our health screening services available at HealthConnexion Medical Clinic, please contact us at:

Phone: +65 6363 0505
WhatsApp: +65 9831 2879
Email: [email protected]
Location: 1 Farrer Park Station Road, #11-08, Singapore 217562
Operating Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 2 p.m. - 5:30 p.m
Sat & Eve of PH: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sun & PH: Closed​