Please be informed HealthConnexion has moved to #11-08

Apply for Practicing Privileges

Farrer Park Hospital provides medical and surgical health services, preventative and outpatient services at our 24 HR Medical Urgency Clinic.

We would like to invite specialist doctors to extend their practice in our hospital to provide the continuum of care to their patients.

How to Apply

  1. Please print out application form and fill in your details.
  2. Please indicate the core procedures and specialised procedures you wish to apply privileges for in Section 2: Application for recognised specialties / sub-specialties, Parts C & D.
  3. Submit the original endorsed application form to us via mail to:

    Farrer Park Hospital Pte Ltd
    c/o Medical Affairs and Quality Management Department,
    1 Farrer Park Station Road,
    #13-04 Connexion,
    Singapore 217562

Your Application will be reviewed by the Hospital Practising Privileges Committee. For any further enquiries, please contact Medical Affairs Department @ 6705 2740 or email: [email protected].