Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases is a medical specialty that deals with infections caused by micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that result in human illnesses. These diseases can spread from person to person directly or indirectly by close contact, from touching the surface of things; or through contact with contaminated food and surroundings. Infectious diseases cause a wide spectrum of illnesses.

Hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, influenza and viral gastroenteritis are some common infectious diseases. Most infectious diseases have are not serious and can be prevented by vaccines but some infections like pneumonia can become life-threatening. Infections have also been linked and increased risk of cancer such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) that is linked to cervical cancer, the helicobacter pylori virus that is linked to stomach cancer and peptic ulcers; and the Hepatitis B and C viruses that have been linked to liver cancer.

Infectious disease can be prevented in several ways, such as vaccinations and frequent and thorough hand-washing.


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