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Spirometry Test / Lung Function Test

What is a Spirometry Test?

Spirometry tests measure how well your lungs work, how well you’re able to breathe and how effective your lungs are able to bring oxygen to the rest of your body. They also determine if your condition is progressing or how it’s responding to treatment if you have a pre-existing lung condition.

What happens before a Spirometry Test?

You will be required to stop all medications for your condition prior to a spirometry test. You are also advised to avoid taking the test on a full stomach and to avoid all food a nd drinks with caffeine. 
Wear comfortable clothes that do not impede your breathing during the test.

What happens during a Spirometry Test?

You’ll be seated in a chair and a clip will be placed on your nose to keep both nostrils closed. A cup-like breathing mask will then be placed over your mouth.

You will be asked to take a deep breath in, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale as hard as you can into the breathing mask.

You will be required to repeat this test at least three times to make sure that your results are consistent. Your doctor will take the highest value from three close test readings and use it as your final result.

Your doctor may do a comparison test and will give you a bronchodilator, which is an inhaled medication to open up your airways after the first round of tests. You will wait 15 minutes before doing another set of measurements. The comparison test helps to see if the bronchodilator helped increase your airflow


What happens after a Spirometry Test?

You may feel a bit dizzy or have some shortness of breath immediately after performing the test. Should you feel unwell or experience breathing difficulties, contact your doctor immediately or call our 24-Hour Medical Urgency Clinic.

Associated Conditions

COPD / Emphysema Asthma