Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment

How are Internal Hemorrhoids treated?

Hemorrhoids are also called piles and is a painful condition when veins around the anus or in the lower rectum become swollen. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum.

Treatment for hemorrhoids can occur at home or at a doctor’s office.

Pain relief
Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication can be bought over the counter and can alleviate pain, swelling and itching. 

Fiber supplements
Consuming more fiber will help to loosen the stool and avoid further straining the swollen veins. Common supplements are psyllium that help bulk up stool so that they can be passed easily. 

Medical procedures
Your doctor may inject a chemical into the blood vessel in your internal hemorrhoud directly, causing the hemorrhoid to shrink and reduce in size.

A rubber band ligation is another procedure where a rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid, cutting off the circulation to it. The loss of circulation forces it to shrink.

We are always happy to help.

Associated Conditions

Hemorrhoids / Piles

Our Specialists

Dr. Heah Sieu Min

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Dr. Kam Ming Hian

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Dr. Imran Nawaz

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