As the saying goes, “New year, new me”. The start of a new year is a great time to make healthy lifestyle changes. Some popular new year resolutions include eating healthier or exercising more. There are in fact more lifestyle changes you can add to your new year resolutions for a healthier 2025. Here are some resolutions you can make to achieve your health goals.
It’s hard to feel your best when you’re tired. A night of good quality sleep helps to boost your immune system and promotes emotional wellness by giving your mind time to rest and recharge. Good quality sleep has also been linked with a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Establish a bedtime routine by limiting screentime and creating a comforting sleep environment to help you fall asleep easier.
A healthy diet is not only about what you eat but how much you eat as well. It is important to get your recommended portion of food and vegetables daily as they are high in fibre and essential vitamins while being low in fat and calories. Food that contains fibre helps you feel full easier, which helps you lose weight. A diet high in fat and sodium will leave you susceptible to heart problems from the build up of plaque in your arteries.
If you have not exercised in a while, going to the gym daily may not be the most realistic goal to set. You can start small instead. Making movement a part of your work or study routine helps to improve your concentration and productivity by helping you feel more energised and improving your mood. It can be as simple as stepping away from your work to walk around the room or house, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or exercising while you watch TV.
It can be easy to put off that medical health check-up or health screening with how busy we are with work or school. However, regular health screenings and check-ups allow your doctors to detect any health issues early. Treatments are often more effective when an illness is detected early. Remember, health is wealth so it should not be something to compromise on.
Studies have shown that adults with strong social connections have a lower risk of developing health problems, including depression, high blood pressure and a range of chronic diseases. On the other hand, a professor of psychology stated that “when people are low in social connection—because of isolation, loneliness, or poor-quality relationships—they face an increased risk of premature death.”
Smoking has been proven to be harmful to your body, with it being linked to several cancers such as lung cancer and nasopharynx cancer. It has also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney failure. It is never too late to quit smoking, no matter how long you have been smoking for nor how old you are. You can follow some of our tips here to quit smoking in 2025.
Stress is normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of daily life. While a small amount of stress can be a good thing, acting as a motivator to help you perform well, a large amount of stress can be daunting and push your body into a ‘fight-or-flight’ state that takes a toll on your health and well-being, you can consider simple activities like practicing breathing exercises or listening to music to help you calm down.
Research has shown that practicing gratitude has been associated with several positive effects on a person’s physical and mental health. Expressing gratitude can improve your sleep, mood and immunity while decreasing your anxiety, chronic pain and depression. Practicing gratitude has also been shown to slow down the effects of ageing.
Sticking to your resolutions can be challenging. You’ll be more likely to succeed if you set goals that fit into your lifestyle, such as not resolving to gym daily if you have never done so. If you are looking for tips to keep to your resolutions throughout the year, here are some simple tips!
Setting resolutions doesn’t mean you have to be perfect from start to finish. If you have set a goal to ear healthier, it doesn’t mean giving up snacks and everything you love eating entirely. You can start small, making small changes day by day, and allowing yourself a cheat day every so often to help you stay on track.
If you tend to not eat vegetables in your meals, instead of jumping straight into the deep end and making a commitment to eat five servings of vegetables a day, you can try with just one serving instead.
Keep track of your progress, that way you will have a better idea of how you are progressing. Are you doing a good job of sticking to your resolutions or have your progress been rocky? If you resolve to be more active in 2025, you can wear a fitness tracker to help you. Or if you are trying to quit smoking, you can keep track of the days you have been smoke-free and how much money you have saved.
Break your goal into various smaller milestones that you can hit and reward yourself for each milestone you accomplish. You can treat yourself to a good meal or a relaxing spa day, or ask your loved ones to give you a big tight hug or even a homecooked meal.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025!