Elbow Dislocation

What is an Elbow Dislocation?

Dislocating the elbow often arises from trauma, like falling onto an extended arm and hand. The impact felt pushes the elbow out of its socket and a fracture or dislocation follows.

Sporting activities such as gymnastics or skateboarding are associated with having a dislocated elbow. An elbow dislocation can be partial or full.

What are the symptoms of an Elbow Dislocation?

  • Severe pain
  • Swelling, bruising
  • The elbow may appear out of joint
  • Dimples on the skin over the dislocation
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in forearm, wrist, and hand from nerve damage
  • Lack of pulse in the wrist from damaged arteries and nerves along the elbow 

How is an Elbow Dislocation diagnosed?

A doctor’s examination will check for pain on passive elbow movement for extension and supination in addition to tracing the injury history. An X-ray is used for determining a dislocation or fracture. Other imaging tools can be used for assessing possible damage to the joint cartilage, bone, ligaments, and other soft tissue. 

Reviewed by Dr. Ruben Manohara, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Shoulder | Elbow Orthopaedic Clinic

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