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Dr. Tan Yew Oo

Dr. Tan Yew Oo


  • Specialty Medical Oncology
  • Languages English Mandarin Hokkien Malay

Contact Information

  • Clinic
    Icon Cancer Centre Farrer Park
    1 Farrer Park Station Rd, #09-13 to 20 Connexion, Singapore 217562
    Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Leukemia (Blood Cancer) Lymphoma (Blood Cancer) Chemotherapy


Dr. Tan Yew Oo graduated with MBBS from NUS (1971), he proceeded to the United States for his residency in Internal Medicine and later fellowship in Hematology​ and continued his fellowship in Medical Oncology in Canada. He was certified as Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine, Hematology​ and Medical Oncology and held specialist certification from the Royal of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Internal Medicine and Hematology.

He is a specialist in medical oncology and part of the Icon SOC Farrer Park Medical Clinic group of medical oncologists. Prior to private practice, he was part of the teaching Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and had held appointments as Chief of Medicine and Head of Department of Medicine as well as Division of Hematology-Oncology (1988), Professor of Medicine (1991) at the National University Hospital (NUH).  

Being the first medical oncologist in Singapore, Dr. Tan had helped set up the specialty at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and NUH. He also held many positions in the NUS, Ministry of Health and professional bodies during his tenure with the university.  

Although Dr. Tan resigned from university to go into private practice, he remained active in medical education and postgraduate training and served in the Specialist Training Committee of Hematology, Medical Oncology, Specialist Accreditation Board of Ministry of Health, the Board of Directors of Singapore Health Services (Singhealth) Pte Ltd and currently in Eastern Health Alliance.  

He served as a member of the Singapore Medical Council Review Committee and has published extensively and was invited for numerous regional and international medical meetings. He has also participated in international phase III trials using novel drugs and has special interest in multiple myeloma, breast, thoracic and GI/GU oncology.

Dr Tan's specialty interests are breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, hematology, lung cancer and lymphomas and liver cancers.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Leukemia (Blood Cancer) Lymphoma (Blood Cancer) Chemotherapy

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