Dr. Andrew Tan Eik Hock received his MBBS from the National University of Singapore School of Medicine in 2001. He was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists in the United Kingdom in 2008 and the Academy of Medicine of Singapore in 2009, and was awarded a Diplomate in Nuclear Cardiology from the Certification Council in Nuclear Cardiology in the United States in 2011. Dr. Tan is currently a Nuclear Medicine consultant at Farrer Park Hospital.
His main clinical interests are in theranostics and neurodegenerative disorders, and he has been on training attachments to Zentralklinic Bad Berka in Germany, European Institute of Oncololgy in Italy and Austin Health in Melbourne Australia. He currently serves at the president of the Singapore Radiological Society, and is a member of the World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy.
Dr. Tan's specialty interests are neurogenerative diseases and theranostics.