Clinical Chemistry

What is Chemical Chemistry?

Chemical chemistry is concerned with the analysis of liquids originating from inside the body including blood, saliva, mucus and other body tissues that are involved in the transmission of human disease. 

Our laboratory strives to produce test results for a wide spectrum of diagnoses.

What Chemical Chemistry tests are available?

Among the tests we conduct are:

  • Routine Biochemistries
    - Anaemia
    - Blood
    - Bone Status
    - Cardiac
    - Gases
    - Lipids
    - Liver
    - Renal
    - Urine chemistries
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)
  • Endocrinology
    - Diabetes 
    - Thyroid
     - Reproductive hormones
  • Tumour Markers
  • Infectious Serology​ ​​


We are always happy to help.

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