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Fall Prevention Elderly

Falls can lead to hip fractures, traumatic brain injuries, and fractured bones. A fall can lead to a hospital stay where recovery time can vary. Even without significant injuries, falls threaten the well-being and independence of the older adult.

Falls in the elderly and the consequent fractures are said to be the next epidemic in Asia. At least 30% of persons above the age of 65 will experience a fall and half of this group will experience recurrent falls. For those who sustain hip fractures, only a quarter of these persons will regain independence. The remaining 75% will remain dependent to varying degrees.

With the possibility of such devastating consequences after even a single fall, the outcomes for any condition with numbers in epidemic proportions will result in a huge personal and societal burden in terms of care and costs.

Hence, taking falls seriously and putting in measures to prevent falls are crucial and need to be implemented on both a personal and societal level.

Before we can implement fall prevention measures, we need to look at the reasons why older persons are at risk of falling. There is a myriad of factors which increase fall risk and usually, the compounded effect of multiple factors results in the eventual fall.

Some of these factors are: weakened eyesight and hearing, loss of flexibility and balance, side effects from medication, blood pressure issues, and diminished bone and muscle strength.

How Can You Reduce Your Risk of Falls?

Paying attention to the following aspects of personal health and fitness is the first step in the fight against falls:

  • Have a good balanced diet
  • Drink enough fluids
  • Exercise regularly – pay attention to not just aerobic exercise but also focus on strength and balance training guided by a physiotherapist
  • Ensure regular medical check-ups and if you have any chronic diseases, including diabetes, work together with your doctor to ensure that these conditions are well in control
  • Take your medications regularly and ask your doctor to review your medications on a regular basis
  • Wear proper footwear with good non-slip soles and straps for good ankle support
  • Look after your eyes
  • Check for osteoporosis and if present discuss with your doctor the various treatment options available

Making the Home Safer

Most older persons fall in the areas they spend the most time in – usually their own homes with the more common areas being the bedroom and the bathroom. Here are some tips to make your home a safer, fall-free place.

Move or remove:

  • Clutter and piles near walkways
  • Rugs, unsecured bath mats, and worn carpets with loose threads or holes
  • Extension cords
  • Furniture with visually obscured edges where feet are easy to trip over
  • Loose tools and maintenance items


  • There is adequate lighting, including night lights in case you need to get up in the middle of the night
  • Beds and chairs are of the correct height – hips and knees should be bent at 90 degrees with your feet flat on the floor
  • Staircases are well lit with railings on either side
  • Grab bars are installed in the toilets – you can get guidance on this from an occupational therapist

Reviewed by Dr. Vina Doshi, Consultant Physician and Specialist, Agewell Seniors Clinic

To learn more, reach out to us at +65 6363 1818 or send an enquiry here. Alternatively, you could also click here to make an appointment.