Please be informed HealthConnexion has moved to #11-08


Opening Address by ASM Chairman

Dr. Loh Poh Yen

1st Plenary Session: COVID 19

The 'Nuts & Bolts' of COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests

Dr. Loh Jiashen

Strategies for Choosing Vaccines in a Pandemic -
The COVID-19 Experience

Dr. Danny Soon

1st Plenary Q&A

Dr. Loh Jiashen
Dr. Danny Soon

2nd Plenary Session: Dementia

2nd Plenary Opening Address

Dr. Vina Doshi

Classification of Dementia and Latest Treatment Updates 

Dr. Ravindra Singh Shekhawat

Imaging Biomarkers in the Primary Evaluation of Dementia

Dr. Santhosh Raj

Living with Dementia - Management of Psychological Symptoms

Dr. Kua Ee Heok

2nd Plenary Q&A

Dr. Vina Doshi
Dr. Kua Ee Heok
Dr. Ravindra Singh Shekhawat
Dr. Santhosh Raj

Novel Antibody-Based Approaches for Cancer Therapy

Dr. Hsieh Wen-Son

What's New in Peripartum Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Wall Care

Dr. Frances Lim

Novel Devices for Monitoring of Cardiac Patients

Dr. Kelvin Wong

Surgical Options in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Why, When How?

Dr. Soon Sue Rene

Biohacking – Wearable Tech for Health Optimization

Dr. Matthew Tan

Closing Address

Dr. Loh Poh Yen