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Dr. Yang Wen Shin

Dr. Yang Wen Shin

  • Specialty Renal Medicine
  • Languages English Mandarin Bahasa Indonesia Hokkien

Contact Information

  • Clinic
    Kidney Life Centre
    1 Farrer Park Station Rd, #08-03 Connexion, Singapore 217562
    Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
    Sat, Sun, PH: Closed


Dr Yang Wen Shin is a consultant Nephrologist in Singapore and he has been in the private practice since 2011. Before that, he was the Consultant Nephrologist at the Department of Renal Medicine at Singapore General Hospital from 2003 to 2011. In 2008, he was the first nephrologist in Singapore to be awarded HMDP in Interventional Nephrology to be trained at Miami University Hospital as well as the National Taiwan University. Since leaving the public institution, Dr Yang remains actively involved in manuscript review for the journal Clinical Nephrology.

In the last 10 years, Dr Yang has been actively involved with living related kidney transplantation in both pre- and post-transplant care. As an ex-director of an independent kidney therapeutics centre, he has been involved in the provision of both satellite dialysis services as well as acute critical care nephrology. He is the first to use the Prisma-Lung in ICU in Singapore.

His other interests in critical care nephrology includes various modalities of renal replacement therapy incorporating point-of-care ultrasound, ImmunoAdsorption technology in ABO-Incompatible kidney transplants as well as various blood purification techniques including plasmapheresis and haemoperfusion.

In his day-to-day practice, Dr Yang is keenly involved in a wide spectrum of nephrological challenges in chronic kidney diseases of various etiologies and systemic disease. He is a firm believer of comprehensive kidney related investigations, bedside work-up and management of systemic disease to retard disease progression and overall health management.

Dr. Yang's specialty interests are in Interventional Nephrology, Critical Care Nephrology, Renal Replacement Therapy, Kidney Transplantation and Management, Glomerulonephritis and related kidney injuries.

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