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Foot and Ankle

Know the fundamentals behind the basic structures for moving comfortably and well.

Extending from the bottom of the calf muscle and the smaller soleus muscle on the back of the shin bone to the heel bone is the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendonitis, also known as tendinopathy, is a common sports injury and refers to the inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

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The ankle is a complex joint made up of ligaments, tendons, and three main bones, the talus, fibula, and tibia. Caused by awkward twisting or force on the ankle bones that may result in excessive tearing or stretching of one or more ligaments on the outside of the ankle, an ankle sprain can occur in varying degrees.

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The midsection of the foot should create a small arch between the heel and ball of the foot. Flat feet or fallen arches happen when that arch is very shallow or absent. While flat feet might not be a painful condition, foot pain can result along with effects on your gait, causing pain in the ankles, knees, hips, and back.

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Bunions are a deformity of the big toe joint and can range from minor bumps or lumps to a severe deformity. Bunions are formed usually as a result of pressure on the big toe. When the big toe is pushed in towards the rest of the toes, the continual pressure on the toe joint forces the joint out of its normal position.

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To learn more about orthopedic treatments available at Farrer Park Hospital, consult our specialists at +65 6363 1818 or click here to make an appointment.